Hot List: Art Projects
Art > Painting
87% of $1,000 goal
4 weeks to go
Art > Digital Art
467% of $600 goal
4 weeks to go
Art > Painting
248% of $5,500 goal
3 weeks to go
Art > Illustration
2341% of $111 goal
1 day to go
Art > Illustration
138% of €17,000 goal
4 weeks to go
Art > Illustration
60% of $42,000 goal
3 weeks to go
Art > Installations
88% of $6,000 goal
3 weeks to go
Art > Digital Art
843% of $350 goal
1 day to go
Art > Illustration
1713% of $100 goal
1 week to go
Art > Conceptual Art
428% of €300 goal
1 day to go
Art > Digital Art
351% of $700 goal
1 day to go
Art > Digital Art
122% of $2,550 goal
3 weeks to go
Art > Illustration
1076% of €350 goal
5 days to go
Art > Mixed Media
88% of $1,800 goal
1 week to go
2356% of €500 goal
16 hours to go
Art > Sculpture
106% of $10,000 goal
669 weeks ago
Art > Painting
1631% of €200 goal
2 weeks to go
Art > Illustration
97% of $5,000 goal
2 weeks to go
Art > Sculpture
1272% of $150 goal
2 weeks to go
Art > Illustration
263% of £500 goal
4 days to go
Art > Illustration
547% of €700 goal
20 hours to go
Art > Illustration
58% of $4,200 goal
6 weeks to go
Art > Sculpture
116% of $30,000 goal
4 weeks to go
Art > Digital Art
2119% of €400 goal
1 day to go
Art > Illustration
598% of $900 goal
2 weeks to go
Hey! Why isn't my super-awesome project in the hotlist? Read this for more insight.Art > Illustration
2341% of $111 goal
1 day to go
Art > Illustration
97% of $5,000 goal
2 weeks to go
Art > Digital Art
543% of €300 goal
1 week to go
Art > Illustration
598% of $900 goal
2 weeks to go
Art > Illustration
160% of $6,000 goal
2 weeks to go
Art > Installations
88% of $6,000 goal
3 weeks to go
Art > Digital Art
508% of MX$4,000 goal
2 weeks to go
Art > Painting
248% of $5,500 goal
3 weeks to go
Art > Digital Art
122% of $2,550 goal
3 weeks to go
Art > Painting
87% of $1,000 goal
4 weeks to go
Art > Performance Art
67% of $4,000 goal
3 weeks to go
Art > Illustration
101% of $3,500 goal
2 weeks to go
Art > Digital Art
843% of $350 goal
1 day to go
Art > Mixed Media
10% of $15,000 goal
2 weeks to go
111% of HK$10,000 goal
3 weeks to go
Art > Illustration
60% of $42,000 goal
3 weeks to go
Art > Mixed Media
21% of £5,000 goal
1 week to go
Art > Illustration
747% of $1,500 goal
3 weeks to go
Art > Illustration
230% of $600 goal
2 weeks to go
Art > Illustration
201% of $1,000 goal
2 weeks to go
Art > Illustration
702% of £600 goal
2 weeks to go
Art > Public Art
84% of $10,000 goal
1 week to go
Art > Mixed Media
875% of $950 goal
1 day to go
Art > Conceptual Art
428% of €300 goal
1 day to go
2356% of €500 goal
16 hours to go