Analog Community Center by theFINDlab

A project in Provo, UT by theFINDlab

Funding Successful

A place for analog photographers to spend time, learn, and collaborate.
Backers: 386
Average Pledge Per Backer: $147

Funded: $56,591 of $50,000
Dates: Apr 23rd -> May 23rd (30 days)
Project By: theFINDlab
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Last Updated: May 23 @ 12:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

90 minutes and some big updates!

May 23rd - via:
Thank you so much for all your support!  We are an hour and change before the Kickstarter ends at 10am MST!  We are 29 backers away from 400 which will unlock that free spot to FILM SCHOOL ROAD TRIP Tokyo this Oct 4th-7th! We are ordering the... (Read More)


May 22nd - via:
GUYS! WE DID IT!  293 of you got us to 50k! THANK YOU SO MUCH! And we are going to up the ante. If we reach 400 backers by 10am MST tomorrow when the campaign ends, Jonathan Canlas, owner of theFINDlab, is going to give one lucky pledger a free spot... (Read More)

OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG! 1 DAY LEFT & we're 93% there!

May 22nd - via:
Our jaws are kind of on the floor. Just 3 short days ago, we were hovering just a little over 50% of our goal at $25k. Then it jumped to $35k, and then to $45k in 2 short days! At the time of writing, we are at 93% with $3353 left to reach our goal!... (Read More)


May 21st - via:
A HUGE thank you to everyone who has pledged and supported our Kickstarter!  We have less than 48 hours to go and at the time of writing only $13913 away from reaching our goal! What does that mean? We need any of the following combos: FOR THE FILM... (Read More)


May 19th - via:
WE ARE HALF WAY TO OUR GOAL!!! THANK YOU!!! If yesterday's examples weren't enough to push you over the edge to grab a freezer full of the STUDIO 400, try these on for size! IMAGES ABOVE BY JEN LAWRENCE IMAGES ABOVE BY BRIAN SHAW IMAGES ABOVE BY NOAH... (Read More)

Check out these STUDIO 400 shots - 4 days left to pledge!!!

May 18th - via:
We got some results back from some peeps who shot STUDIO 400 and we are BLOWN AWAY!  This x-clusive collaboration between us and Candido is available only on our Kickstarter.  Available in 1/5/10/20/50/100 rolls with the ability to add more to... (Read More)

Studio Flash Workshop Demo!

May 17th - via:
We were super stoked about the turnout for our Studio Flash Workshop demo with Jonathan Canlas. A big thank you to everyone who came through and congratulations to Fischer Wells for winning a spot in a future Darkroom Workshop! Here are some images... (Read More)

First shoot in the Analog Community Center's Studio - Meet our Team!

May 16th - via:
We did our first shoot in the Studio space at the Analog Community Center Tuesday before our Studio Flash Workshop Demo and here are the results! Taken on a Rolleiflex 6001 with Ilford XP2 and with one of our Flash Kits.  Our team was stunned by the... (Read More)

7 DAYS LEFT & NEW STUDIO 400 pledge options!

May 15th - via:
We are 7 days away from our Kickstarter ending!  We've got a bit of ways to go to reach our goal but we are confident we'll get there!  But we need your help! We just added a couple of new pledge options for STUDIO 400 film that'll get you bigger... (Read More)

Flash Workshop Preview & Mural Prep!

May 13th - via:
Join us in person at the Analog Community Center Tuesday, May 14th, 6:00-8:00pm where we will be demo-ing our Studio Flash Workshop with Jonathan Canlas. Bring your camera that has a hotshoe, some film, and we'll provide the rest!  We are going to... (Read More)

Free Photo Studio Flash Workshop Demo May 14th at the Analog Community Center 6pm-8pm MST!

May 7th - via:
May 14th: Studio DayDid you miss the sneak peek at the Analog Community Center on Saturday? We've got another opportunity to come see the new space this May 14th from 6pm-8pm MST! Come swing by 187 W Center Street in Provo! Lab owner Jonathan Canlas... (Read More)

New Mural by Ruel Brown and available pledges!

May 1st - via:
We are super excited to announce the next big fix at the Analog Community Center in Provo! There is currently a mural on the west side of the space we’ll be moving into. However, this mural depicts a revisionist version of history that does not... (Read More)

25% off Ultraviolet Backdrops for pledges over $100!

April 29th - via:
We are super excited to announce that our friends over at Ultraviolet Backdrops just announced a 25% discount code for anyone who pledges $100 or more here on our kickstarter! That is HUGE! Their backdrops are incredible.  All custom, hand-made and,... (Read More)

STUDIO 400 shots & a POP-UP on May 4th at the Analog Community Center in Provo!

April 26th - via:
We are 4 days in and 18% funded!  Thank you so very much, words can not express our gratitude! Progress is moving rather rapidly at the Analog Community Center in Provo.  Every day something new gets finished! The flooring is almost complete,... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!