BLOODY STUDENTS - Comedy Horror Feature In Progress

A project in Wales, UK by Terry Cooper

Cancelled by Creator

Raising funds to complete principal photography, maybe even the entire process, if successful!
Backers: 53
Average Pledge Per Backer: £66

Funded: £3,480 of £5,000
Dates: May 14th -> Jun 13th (30 days)
Project By: Terry Cooper
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Last Updated: June 10 @ 18:12 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Project Cancellation - announcement.

June 10th - via:
You can either watch this video, or read the transcript below it.Hello everyone, Terry here.Now this is going to come as a bit of a shock to you and to some of you (or most of you), I imagine a disappointment, especially me. But with one day to go,... (Read More)

Four days to go!

June 7th - via:
Hi Everyone, Terry here. Ive been out and about today and a few people have asked me about the film - there is some interest out there. I went to a busy event today, and a couple of old friends asked me how it's all going, and wished me luck - but... (Read More)

The Final Countdown!

June 4th - via:
Hi everyone, Terry here. Well, I'm no stranger to crowdfunding, being both a backer of 20 campaigns and a creator/co creator of 5. I know all the feelings that come with launching a campaign - mostly anxiety with occasional flutters of hope and... (Read More)

50% Reached!

May 30th - via:
Hi everyone,Terry here. As the title of this update says, we've now hit a big milestone, - 50%, and not too long after the halfway point of this 30 day campaign. The mid-point of any campaign is a bit of a scary one, traditionally. Campaigns tend to... (Read More)

Whoooahhh, we're half-way there......!

May 27th - via:
Dear Honorary Students!We are excited to bring you another update on our campaign: Thanks to you, we've raised £2,063 so far, reaching 41% of our £5,000 goal.  Today marks the 15th day of our 30-day campaign, and we’re thrilled to be at this... (Read More)

A Fantastic Weekend at Barry Collector Con!

May 20th - via:
(Angharad and myself as my alter-ego and compere of the convention, Captain Jack Sparrow) Hello everyone!We're thrilled to share the highlights from our incredible weekend at Barry Collector Con, held at the Barry Memorial Hall in South Wales. This... (Read More)


May 17th - via:
Dear Amazing Backers, We are delighted to update you on the progress of our Kickstarter campaign! Thanks to your incredible support and financial pledges, we have now raised £1,378, which is 27% of our £5,000 goal. With 26 days left to go, we are... (Read More)


May 16th - via:
Dear Amazing Backers, We are thrilled to share that, thanks to your incredible generosity, our Kickstarter campaign has already reached £1,000 on just the second day! With 28 days still to go, we are filled with excitement and optimism for the... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!